Monday, October 27, 2008

Fortune cookie

Much to Jon's disappointment and misfortune, I seldom cook Chinese food. I like eating it, he likes eating it, but unfortunately for him, I love Italian much, MUCH more. So, over fifty percent of our meals involve pasta of some kind. But this past weekend, I succumbed to all the hype about a particular Szechuan restaurant that was highly recommended by a good friend and decided to give it a try. I was secretly more skeptical than I revealed but didn't want to be a negative nelly (as Jon likes to call me!). Not only was the food authentic and yummy, but I also discovered (after our SPICY meal) the BEST fortune cookie in America. Bold statement, true, but the fortune cookie was THAT good. SO GOOD that we all asked for more. And by no means am I a fortune cookie connoisseur, but being Chinese should qualify me to judge this type of thing, right? If the restaurant sold them, I would buy them. A TON of them. This coming from the girl who looks disdainfully at restaurants for handing out fortune cookies in the first place should say something. In fact, they were SO GOOD that it warranted a blog post after an almost 2-month hiatus. If you didn't have a reason to visit Seattle, you do now!